Saxophone Sight-Reading 2
Schott ED 13054
ISMN 979-0-2201-2627-7

Saxophone Sight-Reading 2 aims to build on the sight-reading skills learnt in Book 1 and provide a wealth of more challenging examples so that the pupil may gain even greater confidence when approaching any new piece of music for the first time.
The five sections each gradually introduce new notes, rhythms, articulations, keys, Italian terms and musical styles in a logical sequence, much as you would find in a saxophone tutor. The emphasis is on providing idiomatic tunes and structures rather than sterile sight-reading exercises.
By John Kember and Graeme Vinall
First published in 2012, Saxophone Sight-Reading 2 is intended for Grades 6 to 8. It has 122 original tunes on 106 pages.
Price £14.99
- Section 1 consolidates the final section of Book 1 but adds the new key of F# minor. There is a two-octave range, from low G -high G. Both simple and compound time signatures are used together with off-beat rhythms and triplet quavers.
- Section 2 extends the range to high D and introduces semiquaver rhythms. It also uses another sight-reading challenge: the Da Capo and Dal Segno al Fine.
- Section 3 uses key signatures up to 3 sharps and flats together with dotted quaver and semiquaver rhythms. Semiquaver rests also make an appearance. The range is extended down to low C# and the time signatures of 5/8 and 7/8 are used.
- Section 4 extends the range to high E. The keys of E major and G# minor are introduced. Increased use of chromatic patterns leads to more accidentals occurring in this section. Some of the tunes have frequent changes of time signature and crotchet triplets are introduced.
- Section 5 includes key signatures up to 4 sharps and flats but also contains music featuring whole-tone scales, modes, chromatic patterns and atonal elements. Grace notes are used quite commonly, as are double sharps.