Starting Out - First Pieces for New Pianists

“a really valuable new lesson-aid that can't fail to get the right results”
“John Kember, to whose books, usually jazz-biased, I have always given a high recommendation in these columns, has produced a first repertoire book for beginners called 'Starting Out'. This is excellent stuff! ... entertaining, unpatronising - this is a really valuable new lesson-aid that can't fail to get the right results, and the presentation is neither daunting nor childish.”
John York, 'Piano' September/October 2003
“an imaginative collection of short pieces for beginners”
“'Starting Out' is an imaginative collection of forty-seven short pieces for beginners. All are hands-together and become progressively more difficult as we advance through the book.
'Starting Out' has the advantage of progressing in a very logical and well thought out fashion, covering just about everything you would want your pre-Grade 1 student to know.”
'EPTA Piano Journal' Autumn 2003
“a very helpful book for the teaching studio”
“'Starting Out' is designed to introduce new concepts to beginners and to develop hands together coordination. The pieces are simply presented: a title, the key and the new concept. ... a very helpful book for the teaching studio.”
'Piano Professional', EPTA UK, January 2004 Review by Sally Chappell.
“a comprehensive, useful collection”
“'Starting Out' ... is a comprehensive, useful collection of short, tuneful pieces, covering many basic aspects such as hand positions, rhythms, articulation, chords, pedal and dynamics. The range of notes begins simply before gradually progressing, although never stretches beyond around grade-1 standard ... and marks of expression and phrasing are clear and helpful.”
'Music Teacher' December 2003. Review by Faye Caley.
“an imaginative collection”
“'Starting Out' is an imaginative collection of forty-seven short pieces for beginners. All are hands-together and become progressively more difficult as we advance through the book.”
A.F. in 'Piano Journal'
“covering just about everything you would want your pre-Grade 1 student to know”
“'Starting Out' has the advantage of progressing in a very logical and well thought out fashion, covering just about everything you would want your pre-Grade 1 student to know.”
A.F. in 'Piano Journal'
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