More Piano Sight-Reading
This book is intended as a supplement to 'Piano Sight-Reading 1' by providing different and additional material to support the development of this essential skill.
It follows a similar progression of short pieces beginning with C major and simple rhythms leading to playing with hands together.
An important addition to each key section is the addition of duets, which allow an enjoyable conclusion to each section as well as providing revision of what has been learnt.
- Provides supplementary material to 'Piano SIght-Reading 1'
- An approach based on independent learning and the recognition of rhythmic and melodic patterns
- 175 exercises in a range of musical styles and keys
- Each section concludes with duets to encourage players to develop musicianship and to have fun playing with your teacher, family or friends
- Tunes are progressive with 'hands together' exercises in the final sections
- Preliminary towards Grade 2